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Mur en CLT2022-06-23T10:28:02+02:00

Mur en CLT.

Les solutions Rewall et Trywall pour murs légers combinent d’excellentes performances acoustiques avec d’excellentes valeurs d’isolation thermique et offrent un système de pose extrêmement facile, grâce à leur fourniture en panneaux couplés prêts à l’installation.

Mur en CLT.

Acoustic solution for 100 mm CLT walls, with direct lining or by using a metal structure. In case of wall lining, apply the acoustic panel with the glue. The panel is made up of a 12.5 mm plasterboard coupled with a 28 mm thick acoustic panel and finishing with a 12.5 mm thick plasterboard. In the case of using a metal structure, the acoustic insulation is installed into the 50 mm cavity and the finishing is obtained with a double standard plasterboard 12.5 mm thick.

Prodotto Rw(dB)
REWALL 40 58

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